- 纳米18%阿维·烟碱AS nanometer 18 %25 Avermectin·H2SO4 -nicotine AS
- 纳米 nanometer
- 纳米材料 nanophase materials
- 阿维A酸 acitretin
- 纳米技术 nanotechnology
- 阿维 A acitretin; etretin(抗牛皮癣药)
- 阿维A酯 etretinate
- 脓疱型银屑病183例临床与病理分析 Clinical and Pathological Analysis of 183 Cases of Pustular Psoriasis
- 碳纳米管 carbon nano tube
- 阿维 A酯 etretinate(抗牛皮癣药)
- 183例登革病毒IgM抗体检测结果分析 Results of Dengue Virus IgM Antibody Examination in 183 Patients'Blood Examples Assessment During Different Periods
- 附近有什么18洞的高尔夫球场? What 18-hole golf courses are in the vicinity?
- 草烟碱 tobacco smoke alkaloid
- 阿维A酯 [化] etretinate
- 不同原因贫血患者183例血象和骨髓象分析 The analysis of hemogram and myelogram in different amenic patiens among 183 cases
- 这双鞋子值18元。 This pair of casual shoes is worth eighteen yuan.
- 总烟碱 Total nicotine
- 阿维A胶囊 Acitretin capsule
- 纳米级 nanometer
- 18 开金 18-carat gold