- 一个人的力量,即使她籍籍无名。 The power of one person, often nameless.
- 籍籍 noisy; vociferous; disorderly; confused
- 1975年,籍籍无名的汤姆。沃森在此一举夺冠。 Not since 1975 had the Open been held at Carnoustie and that year Tom Watson came from nowhere to win.
- 他是英国籍。 He is of British nationality.
- 阿尔及利亚籍骑兵 spahi
- 村籍 Villager Qualification
- 无名尸 Unknown Corpses
- 浙江籍 zhejiang
- 头臂干,无名动脉 truncus brachiocephalicus
- 汉籍外译 world' s translations of Chinese writings
- 头臂静脉,无名静脉 vena brachiocephalica
- 双籍进士 The dual registration Jinshies
- 头臂动脉干,无名动脉 truncus brachiocephalicus
- 中国籍公民 Chinese citizen
- 弯曲性无名动脉综合征 Buckled innominate artery syndrome
- 放弃三合会会籍 renunciation of triad membership
- 头臂[动脉]干,无名动脉 truncus brachiocephalicus
- 某会会员的除籍 the expulsion of a member from a society
- 泰籍汉语教师 Thai Citizen Chinese language instructors
- 复方无名异冲剂对老年大白鼠股骨抗弯力影响的实验研究 Experimental study on the influence of anti-bending force of the femur of senile rats with Fu Fang Wu Ming Yi Chong Ji