- 她用手指答答地敲桌子。 She drummed her fingers on the table.
- 湿答答 dripping wet
- 他用手指答答地敲击书桌。 He drummed the desk with his fingers.
- 羞人答答 bashful
- 答答型初虫 tatiform(苔藓动物)(动)
- 答对 to reply
- 答题 answer
- 她含羞带笑。 She flushed with smiles.
- 压得粘答答的一摊水果 a slimy mess of squashed fruit
- 答问 question and answer
- 答覆 reply
- 滴答 tick-tock
- 每当人多的时候,她总是一副羞人答答的模样。 Whenever there is a crowd of people, she always looks bashful.
- 对答 answer
- 如实地答覆孩子们的询问对她来说是关系到做人的大问题。 It is a matter of principle with her to answer her children's questions honestly.
- 题答 inscription of the cover; inscribe the cover of a book
- 答数 answer
- 苏门答腊 Sumatra
- "苏对我们说,她不到一小时便答完了考卷。" "她能做得完才怪呢!" "Sue told us that she finished the exam in an hour." "Like fun she did!"
- 她抓住面罩,呼呼地吸气,又短促又深入,弄得呼吸器答答响。 She clutched the mask and breathed short and deep, pantingly, making the respirator click.