- 第四类DCT的快速算法 A Fast Algorithm for DCT IV
- 给定降质约束下一类DCT域图像水印算法的拉伸系数估计 Estimation of the Scaling Parameter for an Image Watermarking Algorithm in the DCT Domain According to the Assigned Image Degradation Grade
- 电路第四类元件研究 Study on the fourth kind of the circuit component
- DCT变换采取基于FFT(fast Fourier transform)的快速算法,所以,首先寻找整数FFT变换。 DCT is based on FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), so integers FFT transform must be structured firstly.
- 第四类应用是广义上的电子商务。 Our fourth category is electronic commerce in the broadest sense of the term.
- 第四类超Cartan域的Bergman核函数 The Bergman Kernels on Super-Cartan Domains of the Fourth Type
- 一种实现ECC码的快速算法 A Fast Algorithm to Realize ECC Code
- 第四类典型域上的一个复Clifford边值问题 A Complex Clifford Boundary Value Problem in the 4th Canonical Domain
- 最后给出了基于视差梯度约束和边缘幅角约束的快速边缘匹配算法。 At last, quick edge matching method based on the two constraint was given.
- 一种快速计算DCT的递归算法及其硬件实现 A Fast Recursive Algorithm for DCT and Its Implementation
- 用边界元法计算静电场第四类非混合边值问题 Computation of the fourth non-mixed boundary-value problems of electrostatic field by boundary element method
- 帧同步混合小波包变换快速算法及其在语音处理中的应用 Frame-Synchronized Combined Wavelet Packet Transform Algorithms and Their Application to Speech Signal Processing
- 第四类:除炸药和纯碳氢化合物外的特定有机化学品。 IV. Discrete organic chemicals other than explosives and pure hydrocarbon compounds.
- WKS熵阈值法的快速算法 Fast algorithm of WKS entropy threshold
- 第四类:除炸药和纯碳氢化合物外的特定有机化学品。 IV. Discrete organic chemicals other than explosives and pure hydrocarbon compounds.
- 一种新自适应滤波快速算法及其在多路回波消除中的应用 A New Adaptive Filtering Algorithm and Its Application in Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation
- 第四类是2号朝天椒-1,10号朝天椒-2,它们属于朝天椒(C.a.L.Var.conoides(Mill)Irish)。 (C. a. L. Var. conoides (Mill) Irish); NO.
- 字串去重的快速算法研究 Research on Fast Algorithms for Removing Redundant Strings in a String Set
- 基于整数可逆模糊度变换和概率计算的GPS动态数据处理快速算法 Fast Algorithm for Kinematic GPS Data Processing Based on Invertible Integer Ambiguity Transformation and Probability Computation