- 你这个笨家伙!这是你今天打坏的第二个玻璃杯。
You clumsy oaf ---that's the second glass you've broken today.
- 穿着这双笨重的鞋走路真难受。
It's not easy walking in these clumsy shoes.
- 昨天发生的事故应该归咎于他的愚笨。
The accident happened yesterday owed to his foolishness.
- 她因为他的愚笨而发怒。
She was exasperated at his stupidity.
- 你这个笨蛋!
You stupid arse!
- 这个补鞋匠真是笨手笨脚。
This cobbler is rather clumsy.
- 他斥责儿子笨手笨脚。
He chided his son for being clumsy.
- 我认为他生来就愚笨。
I think he was born stupid.