- 他听到法官字字千钧的话,顿时垂头丧气。 His heart sank as he listened to the judge uttering the fateful words.
- 千 thousand
- 千钧重负 exceptionally heavy load
- 千钧重担 A crushing burden
- 一发千钧 (said of a desperate or critical situation) hang by a thread
- 笔力雄劲 The stroke of penmanship is forcible and vigorous
- 钧 30 catties
- 笔力雄浑 vigour of strokes in calligraphy or drawing
- 千米 kilometer
- 笔力刚劲 write in a bold hand
- 笔力浑厚 (of handwriting) bold and vigorous strokes
- 在这一发千钧的时刻 at this critical moment
- 笔力苍劲 (write or paint) in bold, vigorous strokes
- 千里 a thousand li; a long distance or a vast expanse
- 她笔力雄健地画出了轮廓. She drew the outline with a sure hand.
- 雷霆万钧 tremendous force
- 千比特 kilobit
- 显示出画家苍劲笔力的一幅画 a picture that shows the artist's sureness of touch
- 这里展出的字画,笔力雄浑。 The strokes in the calligraphic works and paintings on display here are vigorous.
- 千人 thousand