- 笑傲江湖第一辑 The Smiling Proud Wanderer Part I
- 那笑傲三月狂风的水仙花,很快枯萎一片,花残叶败,紧锁的愁眉向人们诉说着天道的无情。 The daffodils which challenge so proudly and splendidly the boisterous March winds are soon shriveled and defeated, limply wrinkling to remind us of the inevitable ravages of time.
- 笑的 rident
- 公卿 公 (gong) and 卿 (qing) both of which were high officials in ancient China. (Archaic) broadly a senior official in a royal court.
- 大笑 be in convulsions
- 满朝公卿 all the officers of the government
- 爱笑的 risible
- 这部史书记载了汉朝一些公卿大臣的生平。 This historical book records the lives of some officials in the Han Dynasty.
- 爆笑 hilarious
- 笑傲江湖 Swordman
- 史上说子路穿著破蔽的衣服,厕身于公卿之间,他也毫不忸怩畏怯。 It is recorded in history that, dressed in ragged clothes, he mingled with lords and dukes without the slightest embarrassment or fear.
- 偷笑 titter
- 秋菊傲霜。 The autumn chrysanthemum braves the frost.
- 王孙公子、磨刀匠、公卿、缙绅、朝廷中人和城市中人(从前有这种说法)都成了那仙女的顺民。 The patrician and the knife-grinder, the duke and the peer, the limb of the law, the courtiers and townspeople, as they used to say in olden times, all are subjects of this fairy.
- 傲人 proud
- 笑着 on the laugh
- 那个人和里根像是一个模子打出来的,他一定很引以为傲。 That man is the spitting image of Ronald Reagan. He must be very proud.
- 笑死 make
- 引以为傲 regard
- 爱笑 risibility