- 童子军教练告诉孩子们一切准备妥当后才去露营。
The scout-master told the boys to get their ducks in a row before they went to camp.
- 地区性童子军集会本地的或地区级的男童子军或女童子军的集会或聚集
An assembly or gathering of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts on a local or district level.
- 大集会大型集会,常指国际性的,尤指童子军大会
A large assembly, often international, especially of Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts.
- 上星期我儿子被考核了急救方面的知识,现在他已获得六枚童子军奖章。
My son was examined in First Aid last week. He's got about six Scout badges now.