- 积习, 积癖 an engrain(ed) habit
- 积 old
- 资本公积 contributed surplus
- 卷积 convolution
- 积习 inveteracy
- 公积 surplus
- 他有魅力,有风度,而且我们两个人同病相怜,都有积习成癖的口吃 He had charm and style, and we both shared the same affliction-a chronic stutter.
- 积少成多 many a little makes a mickle
- 积习难移。 Old habits die hard.
- 洁净癖 a mania for neatness.
- 积液 pyema
- 积习难改. Established practices are difficult to change.
- 爱岛癖 islomania
- 积习的 inveterate
- 爱兰癖 orchidomania
- 内积 inner product
- 积习地 inveterately
- 爱马癖 hippomania
- 横截面积 cross-sectional area
- 多年积习 crusted habit