- 被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗?
Is desertion grounds for divorce?
- 她提出了离婚申请。
She filed a petition for divorce.
- 最近有关离婚的电视剧太多了。
There has been a surfeit of plays about divorce on the TV recently.
- 她和丈夫离婚了,因为她发现他是个酒鬼。
She divorced with her husband because she found him a drunkard.
- 别提他离婚的事---那是个敏感话题。
Don't mention his divorce---it's a very tender subject.
- 离婚以后,孩子由父亲监护。
After their divorce, the father was awarded custody of the son.
- 她离婚有充分的理由。
She had adequate grounds for a divorce.
- 她离婚后又重新使用娘家的姓。
After her divorce she reverted to her maiden name.