- 兆 omen
- 祸 disaster
- 因祸得福 a fault on the right side
- 兆帕 MPa
- 兆欧表 megameter
- 嫁祸 impute
- 兆字节 megabyte
- 一兆 trillion
- 祸从口出 disaster emanates from careless talk
- 徵兆 omen
- 黄祸 yellow peril
- 兆欧 teraohm
- 我们有必要来评断电视到底是福还是祸。 It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse.
- 愿天降祸于他! Woe betide him!
- 发烧是许多疾病的症兆。 Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.
- 上帝保佑我消灾避祸! God blessed me from all evils!
- 它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
- 灭门之祸 the calamity of exterminating a family
- 百万兆 tril.
- 潦原之祸 The disaster of a great prairie fire