- 法尔斜看一下母亲神色不动的脸色,眼睛里有一种无可奈何的神情。 Val glanced sideways at his mother's impassive face; it had a hunted look in the eyes.
- 法尔看见自己舅舅抬起眼睛瞧一下证人箱,脸上神色不动;又听见身后一阵捣文件的簌簌声。 Val saw his uncle lift his eyes to the witnessbox, without moving his face: heard a shuffle of papers behind him.
- 法尔看见自己舅舅抬起眼睛瞧一下证人箱,脸上神色不动;又听见身后一阵捣文件的簌簌声。 Val saw his uncle lift his eyes to the witnessbox, without moving his face: heard a shuffle of papers behind him.
- 不动 motionless
- 但是何慎庵神色不变,靠前一步,又悄悄地说 The latter, however, betrayed no sign of emotion, but moved closer and went on furtively
- 上个星期她在纠正一个小错误时把整个工作都搞砸了,所以这次她保持原样不动了。 Last week she ruined the whole job while trying to put right a small mistake, so this time she left well alone.
- 不动的 motionless
- 遮阳板汽车挡风玻璃上一块用以挡强烈阳光的固定不动的挡板 A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
- 神色不动 look calm and stable
- 我快要累死了,假如我们不能快点抵达目的地,那我就走不动了。 I'm almost at my last gasp; if we don't get to the destination soon, I shall not be able to go on.
- 虽然教师一再命令,但这孩子动都不动。 The boy do not move though the teacher reiterate her command.
- 一群狼把一头雄鹿赶得几乎跑不动了。 A pack of wolves nearly tired down a buck.
- 野生动物有时候在嗅到敌人临近时会突然动也不动地站住。 A wild animal will sometimes freeze in its tracks when it smells an enemy.
- 我的汽车被他胡乱摆弄过以后开不动了。 My car wouldn't start after he tampered with it.
- 他一动也不动地站着,默不作声,既不右盼,也不左顾。 He stands motionless and silent, looking neither to the right nor to the left.
- 扣腕一方对手的手腕被另一方抓住并扭着使不动的角力 A wrestling hold in which an opponent's wrist is gripped and twisted to immobilize the opponent.
- 她知道这扇静止不动的门直通街上。 She knew that silent, motionless portal opened into the street.
- 鸽子非常温顺,如果你站在那儿不动的话,它们会歇在你的肩膀上。 The pigeons are quite tame. If you stand perfectly still, they'll perch on your shoulder.
- 如果你的车子抛锚,就留在原处不动,等警察来。 If your car breaks down, just sit tight and wait for the police to come along.
- 那座倚山建造的房子在风暴中屹立不动。 The house abutting against the hill stood unaffected in the squall.