- 莫高窟第254窟千佛文本的符号学分析 A Semiotic Analysis of the Text of Thousand - Buddhas in Cave 254 of the Mogao Grottoes
- 千 thousand
- 百搭 joker
- 百元 century
- 疮 sore
- 窟 cave
- 百米 hektometer
- 千米 kilometer
- 百个 hundred
- 千里 a thousand li; a long distance or a vast expanse
- 吴哥窟 Angkor Wat
- 百家 various schools of thinkers
- 疮痍 desolation
- 千比特 kilobit
- 百里香 thyme
- 狡兔三窟 a crafty person has more than one hideout
- 千人 thousand
- 百忙之中 in the midst of pressing affairs
- 千位 kilobit
- 百变 changeable