- 他们会宁死不屈的吧。 They would die before yielding.
- 百折不挠地坚持原则 adhere to the principle with an unremitting tenacity
- 他们在对敌斗争中宁死不屈。 They preferred death to surrender in their struggle against the enemy.
- 他们宁死不屈。 They were determined to die rather than surrender.
- 经过他们百折不挠的努力,现在终于达到了目的。 The goal has now been finally attained through their dauntless efforts.
- 她宁死不屈。 She would rather die than surrender.
- 她百折不挠地执行任务. She stuck to her task like grim death.
- 他宁死不屈。 He will die before he submits.
- 她饱经祸患而百折不挠。 She overcame many adversities.
- 刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈。 Liu Hulan would rather die than surrender before the enemy.
- 百折不挠的勇气 steel courage
- 我宁死不屈。 I would rather die than yield.
- 原文:他宁死不屈。 He would die before yielding.
- 百折不挠的努力 unrelenting effort
- 百折不挠的韧力 unyielding will in the face of setbacks
- 女英雄宁死不屈。 The heroine preferred to die rather than surrender.
- 他说他宁死不屈。 He said he would die first.
- 他总是百折不挠。 He bobs up like a cork.
- 那名战士宁死不屈. The warrior would as soon die as surrender.
- 面对极端困苦而百折不挠. perseverance in the face of extreme hardship