- 威士忌、白兰地、杜松子酒、朗姆酒都是烈酒。
Whisky, brandy, gin and rum are all spirits.
- 我们这顿饭最後喝的是咖啡和白兰地。
We ended off the meal with coffee and brandy.
- 喝白兰地酒消除了疲劳。
The brandy acted as a restorative.
- 来点儿白兰地--能使你静下来。
Have a brandy it'll help to calm you (down).
- 她昏迷了,但喂她些白兰地酒就很快醒过来了。
She fainted but the brandy soon revived her.
- 那是两种优质白兰地。
The two are fine brandies.
- 我昨晚喝了一小瓶白兰地。
I drank a miniature bottle of brandy last night.
- 劳驾,来两杯白兰地加苏打水。
Two brandies and soda, please.