- 一次生动有趣的精益体验之旅! A LIVE and INTERESTING lean experience!
- 这本枯燥无味的书幸亏加了一些生动有趣的插图才变得活泼起来。 The otherwise dreary book is enlivened by some very amusing illustrations.
- 演讲的内容是否充实而又生动有趣? Was the content of the presentation interesting and informative?
- 桥两侧的石栏都雕刻成了各种小动物的造型,生动有趣。 Stone handrails on both sides of the bridge are carved into various little animals, which are vivid and interesting.
- 有趣的是 it is nice that
- 她说,如果你想婚后生活生动有趣,最好和志同道合的人结婚。 She said that, if you want your life after marriage to be as good as a play, you had better marry a person in the same camp.
- 对一场橄榄球比赛的生动描述 a lively description of a football game
- 非常有趣的 absorbing
- 偷吃而不被人发现很有趣。 It is fun eating by stealth without being found.
- 有趣的人 circus
- 有趣的事情 comedy
- 这本枯燥乏味的书幸亏加了一些精彩的插图才变得生动有趣。 The otherwise dreary book is enlivened by some very amusing illustrations.
- 有趣地 enjoyably
- 那出哑剧真是滑稽有趣。 The dumb show was a scream.
- 他们觉得他讲的怪诞故事很有趣。 They were amused by the fantastic tales he spun.
- "昨天我听到一个很有趣的笑话。" "哦,别讲了。你的无聊笑话我听腻了。" "I heard a good joke yesterday, " "Oh, put a sock in it. I'm tried of your silly jokes."
- 这些书读起来很有趣。 These books make good reading.
- 在今天的报纸上有一条有趣的新闻。 There was an interesting item in the newspaper today.
- 天才的艺术家把这块树根雕成一件有趣的装饰品。 The talented artist carved an interesting decoration from this piece of tree root.
- 那个传教士运用幽默使他的讲道生动有趣。 The preacher jacked up his sermon with humour.