- 琴瑟 be on friendly terms
- 同 like
- 琴瑟不调。 The stringed instruments clash.
- 同谱的 [计] cospectral
- 琴瑟和鸣 The lute and psaltery are in harmony; felicity of husband and wife; conjugal bliss
- 同谱图 cospectral graphs
- 琴 (mus. instr.)
- 同一 identical
- 色同谱色 isomeric colours
- 琴瑟不调 unadjustable
- 同人 coterie
- 质谱 mass spectrum
- 琴瑟棉花 fiddlewood
- 同上 ditto
- 同学会 homecoming
- 气相色谱 gas phase chromatography
- 琴瑟调和 the lute and psaltery are in harmony; felicity of husband and wife; marital harmony
- 谱图 spectrogram
- 同理 in a similar way
- 色谱柱 chromatographic column