- 现在我们要不要搬家? Shall we make a move now?
- 该不该和男友分手,要不要搬家,卖不卖车? Can't decide whether to dump your boyfriend, move house or sell your car?
- 也就是说我们要搬家。 DERRICK So in other words we're moving.
- 我们要不要钩住并靠近他们的船,以便与之作战? Shall we grapple and lay their ship aboard?
- 我们要在几天后完成这项工程。现在我们已进入了最后阶段。 We should be finished with the project in a few days. We’re on the last lap now.
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的! Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 现在我们要顶住这股逆流,旗帜要鲜明。 We have to take a clear-cut stand against this adverse current.
- 现在我们要结账。 Just the bill.
- 我们要不要邀他们周六来吃饭? Shall we have them round for dinner on Saturday?
- 我们要不要改变立场,加入胜利者的行列呢? Shall we turn our coats, and join the victors?
- 现在我们要休息一会儿。 S: Phew! Now we need to rest for a while.
- 那现在我们要怎么办呢? What can we do to fix things?
- 我们要不要走过场似地先排演一下第一幕,这样你们可以熟悉动作? Shall we walk through Act One, so that you get used to the movements?
- 现在我们要经过曼哈顿了。 We're passing through Manhattan now.
- 我们要不要去请大夫? Shall we call a doctor?
- 现在我们有些条件还不怎么好,这不要紧,以后会逐步改善。 Some conditions here are not so satisfactory at the moment. But that is nothing serious,because they will gradually improve.
- 现在我们要去服装店买衣服 Hmm. Not for long. Now we'll go to the clothing store to buy clothes
- 我们要不要点这道菜? Shall we order it?
- 这里,我们要不嫌繁琐,多说几句。 At this point we are exposing ourselves to the charge of redundancy.
- 现在我们要担忧的事少一些了。 We have less to worry about now.