- 玛:那么你找到他了? Maria : So did you find Richter?
- 在,请不要挂断,我马上替你找到他。 Yes,hold the line,please I'll get him for you right away.
- 一般来说,如果你做过一些计时工,那么你找到一份合适工作的机会就多。 Generally you will have a greater chance of finding a suitable job if you have done some part-time jobs.
- 她要将这条手帕摔到他脸上去,并指着门口叫他滚出去,而且从此永远永远也不再理他了。 She would take this handkerchief and fling it in his face and show him the door and never, never speak to him again.
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- “我绝对不想帮你找到他,”温特伯恩一本正经地说。 "I certainly shall not help you to find him," Winterbourne declared.
- 如果想找到完美无暇的朋友,那么你永远不会有朋友。 You will never have a friend if you must have one without fault.
- 吉米被解雇了。不过他逢凶化吉,很快便找到了更理想的工作。 Jimmy was laid off. But the fell on his feet and found a better job very soon.
- 她要求到他的事务所里找一份工作,但他当即拒绝了。 She asked him for employment in his office but he refused it at a word.
- 我们也许能给你找到一份女招待的工作。 We might get you a post as a waitress.
- 你找不到他的风筝?他会生气的。 You can't find his kite? He'll see red.
- 他们有计算机,那么你可以用搜索功能去找到最适合你的学校。 They have computers so you can do a search to find the best school for you.
- 汤普森花了几小时想找到他的律师。 Mr. Thompson spent several hourstrying to get hold of his lawyer.
- 你找到今晚替你看孩子的合适人了吗? Have you found anyone suitable to sit in this evening?
- 有的人想找到他吃肉的证据,就去抓他吃的骨头,结果抓到他的葫芦。 Some people wanted to find proof and snatched the bone he was gnawing, but it turned out to be his bottle gourd.
- 我前後左右都找遍了--你是在哪儿找到的呢? I've been looking for it left, right and centre where did you find it?
- 你找到我的行李了吗? Have you find my baggage?
- 你找到车子的锁匙了吗? Have you found your car key?
- 你先找到他的,先到先得? Oh, I see--you found him first, finder's keepers?
- 我将让你跟我的一位朋友取得联系,他会帮你找到一份工作。 I'll put you onto one of my friends; he will help you to find a job.