- 玛丽:你现在想做什么? Marie : What do you want to do now?
- 我当时确实感到好象要生病的样子。幸亏你拉我出去换换空气,休息了一下。好吧,你现在想做些什么呢? LL: I know. You looked so pale and evenly sickly. That's why I practically dragged you out to come up for air.
- 你想做什么? What do you feel like doing?
- 你现在在做什么? What are you doing now?
- 我不喜欢那个不爱讲话的人,因为我不知道他想什么和想做什么。 I don't like the man of few words because I don't what he thinks and wants to do.
- 你现在想吃东西吗? Do you care to eat now?
- 你做什么工作? What's your job?
- 你现在想喝杯茶吗? Do you feel like a cup of tea now?
- 你在做什么啊? what are you doing?
- 如果你现在想赖婚,她父亲一定会火冒三丈。 Her father will be furious if you try to back out of the marriage now.
- 你长大后想做什么工作? What kind of work do you want to do when you grow up?
- 你今天想做什么? What do you feel like doing today?
- 你现在的工作是做什么? What is your current job?
- 明年夏天你想做什么? What do you expect to do next summer?
- 你现在在做什么(你现在的职业)? Vo:What do you do at present?
- 你现在正进入角色,有没有想做个蛋卷之类的东西。 Listen, while you're on a roll, if you feel like you gotta make like a Western omelet or something.
- 他想做什么非常清楚。 What he wants to do is clear as mud.
- 假如你没上过学,你现在会做什么? Supposing you hadnt gone to school, what would you do now?
- 明天你想做什么? What do you want to do tomorrow?
- 玛丽问的是你到底想让她做什么事。 Mary asks what you actually want her to do.