- 我们的车当然要象跑车,车型要别树一帜,还要有一点怀旧的色彩。 Our car had to be obviously sporty and distinctively styled, with just a dash of nostalgia.
- 我们的车当然要象跑车,车型要别树一帜,还要有一点怀旧的色彩。 Our car had to be obviously sporty and distinctively styled, with just a dash of nostalgia.
- 日本大分县的一村一品运动发展情况 Progress of the One Product For One Village Practice in Oita Prefecture in Japan
- 别树一帜 have a new school of thought
- 村 village
- 独 only
- 巡回医疗队每周来这个村一次。 A mobile clinic visits this village every week.
- 瑞士原子钟别树一帜的地方在于,它将原子发射到连续的电磁波上,而不是不持续的。 What is unique about the Swiss clock is that it shoots the atoms in a continuous beam rather than a spasmodic one.
- 一村一 one village with one
- 一村一大 one village one undergraduate
- 藏独 Tibet independence
- 一村一品 One Countryside One Industry
- 独行 walk alone
- 帜 flag
- 疆独 separatism in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
- “一村一品” "One Village One Product"
- 引擎一发动,我的车就给电池充电了。 My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划 An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 慎独 be careful of oneself when alone; try to be blameless in one's private life
- 奥运村 Olympic Village