- 犀利 sharp; incisive; trenchant
- 犀利的 biting
- 她是一个感觉敏锐的女人。 She is a woman of keen perception.
- 他对错误有敏锐的察觉能力。 He has a keen scent for errors.
- 他那敏锐的目光射向他的妻子。 His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife.
- 犀利的文风 an astringent style of writing
- 他理解力很敏锐。 He is quick of apprehension.
- 在她犀利的话语中他退缩了。 he winced at the detected flicker of irony in her voice.
- 大家都认为狗的嗅觉敏锐。 It is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell.
- 笔锋犀利 write in an incisive style; wield a pointed pen
- 感受深刻而敏锐的人 a deeply and finely feeling man
- 除了偶尔若有所失的时候,他的眼睛总是非常犀利,看人入木三分。 His eyes were sharp and piercing ,save during those intervals of torpor.
- 她具有察觉他人心思的异常敏锐的感觉。 She has an uncanny sense of what others feel.
- 他的文章写得很犀利。 His article is trenchant.
- 头脑敏锐的人 a brilliant mind
- 犀利地 bitingly
- 他有敏锐的智力,学习进步的很快。 he reads to improve his mind; he has a keen intellect.
- 谈锋犀利 incisive in conversation
- 她敏锐的洞察力使他感到震惊。 He is scared by the quickness of her perception.
- 犀利普提 celiptium