- 今晚谈天说地节目的特约嘉宾 tonight's guests on the chat show
- 特约 engage by special arrangement
- 特约经销商 franchised dealer
- 昨晚在我堂兄弟家举行的音乐会,以弦乐四重奏娱悦嘉宾。 At last night's musicale in my cousin's house , we were entertained by a string quartet.
- 特约记者 stringer
- 趋迎嘉宾 To hasten to meet the honorable guest
- 特约商户 franchised business
- 又邀请学者、主管官员、不同政治立场政党代表做嘉宾。 "Experts, government department heads, and politicians from various parties are invited as guest speakers."
- 前三排座位是留给嘉宾的。 The first three rows are reserved for special guests.
- 特约维修店 special repair shop
- 有嘉宾质疑商界为何要分开两组,他认为该界别的议席太多。 A participant queried why the commercial functional constituency was split into two subsectors. He considered that the commercial sector had too many seats in the Legislative Council.
- 特约编辑 contributing editor
- 各国嘉宾。 Honoured Guests
- 特约经销 exclusive distributor
- 各位嘉宾: Professor Chang, Professor Barrett, Professor Ng, Ladies and Gentlemen
- 客串演员;特约演员 a guest actor
- 晚餐会主桌嘉宾 Main table VIPs at the Gala Dinner
- 特约艺术家 a guest artist
- 国内重磅实力嘉宾 Strength honoured guest of domestic heavy scale
- 特约作品受委托而作的文章或表演,通常是按一定程式,并且依照商业标准完成的 Commissioned work, such as writing or acting, done usually by formula and in conformance with commercial standards.