- 物化| 仙逝 [euphemism] be gone
- 仙逝 die away
- 物化 materialize
- 这位老者刚刚仙逝。 The old man just passed away.
- 令堂仙逝谨致吊慰之意。 Please accept my condolences on your mother's death.
- 悼邹承鲁先生仙逝词一首 A Poem to Mourn with Deep Grief for Prof. Chen-Lu Tsou
- 惊悉令尊不幸仙逝,实在令人震惊。 It was a great shock to hear of the news of your father's death.
- 溘然仙逝汗青犹在--深切缅怀赵沨同志 Farewell to the World, Not the History--Cherish the Memory of Comrade ZHAO Feng
- 拟物化 analogy
- 父亲去世,儿女悲恸;万民之父仙逝,何其哀痛。 Children are grieved when their father dies--how much greater must be the grief when the father of the whole people dies!
- 物化为 turn materially
- 物化法 physicochemical method
- 全物化 full materialization
- 名物化 nominalizations
- 我认为写你那本书的人,如果他是早已仙逝,那么在他心中那些绝技、那些不能传授的绝窍必定也随着消失无踪矣! I think that the sage who wrote the book had been dead so the tour de force in his heart, which he could not impart to other, must have vanished.
- 非物化 dematerialization
- 物化探 Geochmical - Geophysical Exploration
- 有一年十月的一天,他突然仙逝了。全家人都沉浸在悲痛之中,我们靠信念支撑着。我深深地怀念他,我知道他将永远和我们在一起。 He died suddenly one October day. My family grieved deeply, leaning on our faith. I missed him terribly, though I knew he would always be a part of us.
- 矿物化 mineralize
- 劳动物化 Work materialization