- 锤 to hammer
- 煅制金属的人(特别是当金属炽热和有延展性的时候锤击它。 someone who works metal (especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable).
- 重锤 heavy bob
- 电锤 electric hammer
- 煅炼 inurement
- 大锤 sledge
- 氧化镁,苦土,重质氧化镁,煅制镁 Burnt Magnesia; Heavy Magnesia; Light Calcined Magnesia; Light Magnesia; Magnesia; Magnesia Usta; Magnesium Oxide; Periclase Ponderous Magnesia
- 摆锤 pendulum mass
- 锤击 hammer blow
- 手锤 bishop
- 这锤柄很容易脱落。 The handle of the hammer came away easily.
- 破碎锤 quartering hammer
- 羊角锤 claw-hammer
- 落锤 drop(-board) hammer
- 该死,锤到大拇指了! Damn! I hit my thumb with the hammer.
- 摆锤能摆动. A pendulum oscillates.
- 挥舞锤矛 swing a mace
- 锤打 hammering
- 锤的顶边 pane of a hammer
- 木匠正在作坊里锤打。 The carpenter was hammering in his workshop.