- 去旅行 go on a journey
- 游历 travel
- 商务旅行 business trip
- 自助旅行 budget travelling
- 徒步旅行 hiking
- 短途旅行 excursion
- 他是一位游历各地见多识广的作家。 He is a much traveled writer.
- 长途旅行 long journey
- 去年夏天我们游历了长江三峡。 We visited the Yangtse Gorges last summer.
- "确实是的,也许我应该更仔细估算一下旅行费用然后再决定。" "There is that, indeed. Perhaps I should cost my trip more carefully before deciding."
- 环球旅行 travel round the world
- 我没有足够的时间和钱去旅行。 I can afford neither the time nor the money for a trip.
- 蜜月旅行 honeymoon
- 深雪阻碍了旅行。 The deep snow impeded travel.
- 太空旅行 space travel
- 出国旅行要携带护照。 A person who travels abroad must carry a passport.
- 她的旅行箱放在地毯上。 Her trunk reposed on the carpet.
- 王子微服旅行以避开人群及避免欢迎仪式。 The prince travelled incognito to avoid crowds and ceremonies.
- 你们在旅行中有没有什么令人激动的事情? Were there any exciting incidents during your journey?
- 她对即将能去巴黎旅行一事高兴万分。 She rejoiced at the prospect of the Paris trip.