通货紧缩由于可获得货币和信贷的减少,导致消费品价格水平的持续下降或货币购买力的持续提高 A persistent decrease in the level of consumer prices or a persistent increase in the purchasing power of money because of a reduction in available currency and credit.
经过慎重的讨论之后,我们可完全接受贵方所提进口各类消费品的建议。 After a considerable discussion, we have fully accepted your recommendation of importing various consumer goods.
谢谢您四月二十五日有关消费品的来函。 Thank you for your letter of April25 concerning the consumer goods.
顾客们拥入市中心的商店,抢购曾是计划供应的消费品 Shopper crowded into downtown store, snap up once-ration consumer goods.