- 他驾驶测验不及格,这次算第十次了。
That makes the tenth time he's failed his driving test!
- 在这一测验中你与专家较量一下技巧吧。
Match your skill against the experts in this quiz.
- 我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。
We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.
- 你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。
You'd better give me my book, otherwise I'll fail my test.
- 士兵们最终完成了耐力测验。
The soldiers eventually completed the endurance tests.
- 我将打电话告诉你测验的结果。
I'll phone the result of the test to you.
- 明天我们将进行历史测验。
Tomorrow we'll have a history test.
- 我们明天早晨进行一个小测验。
We will have a quiz tomorrow morning.