- 柴米 rice and fuel
- 油盐糖类:少吃。 Too many sweets are bad for your teeth and health. Too many oils make you fat.
- 柴米夫妻 couple who live from hand to mouth
- 伊阿古去奶傻孩子,去记油盐账。 Iago. To suckle fools and chronicle small beer.
- 酒肉兄弟;柴米夫妻 Wine-and-meat Brothers; firewood-and-rice husband and wife-The serving of meat and wine strengthens the ties of Brotherhood the provision of rice and firewood, the Bonds Between husband and wife
- 不当家不知柴米贵 The head of the house knows the cost of fuel and rice; He who takes charge knows the responsibility
- 仅仅发油盐柴菜钱,每月也需现洋万元以上,全靠打土豪供给。 The monthly cost of these items alone amounts to more than ten thousand silver dollars,which is obtained exclusively through expropriation of the local tyrants.
- 酒肉宾朋,柴米夫妻 Friends come together to enjoy good wine and food, man and woman come together to form a family
- 红军至今没有什么正规的薪饷制,只发粮食、油盐柴菜钱和少数的零用钱。 So far the Red Army has no system of regular pay,but issues grain,money for cooking oil,salt,firewood and vegetables,and a little pocket money.
- 在后梢,听到大娘同五多谈着柴米。 At the stern, Madam and Wuduo were talking.
- 制法:1.露笋切去头尾,放入沸水中,加入少许油盐煮3分钟,沥乾后排放碟上,保暖备用。 Cut ends of asparagus. Cook in boiling water with a little of salt and oil for 3 minutes. Drain and arrange on a serving plate. Keep warm.