- 博 obtain
- 汜水 the Sishui River
- 汜水城 Sishui Town
- 汜天之山 Mountain up to the Sky
- 地大物博 a vast territory with rich resources
- 汜湖山寺 the temple of Yonghu
- 考博 prepare for the doctoral qualifying examination
- 放射脑电描汜器 radio-electroencephalograph
- 读博 pursue the Ph.D
- 博多 Bodo
- 洪水汜滥在地上四十天,水往上长,把方舟从地上漂起。 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth.
- 博格 Borger
- 博美犬 Pomeranian
- 但后来刘邦终于等待到楚军在汜水半渡的时机,大破楚军,复取成皋。 Liu Pang waited until the opportune moment when Hsiang Yu's troops were in midstream crossing the Szeshui River, and then crushed them and recaptured Chengkao.
- 博识 pansophy
- 博科 Boke
- 博特 Bothe
- 博克 Bock
- 博福特 Beaufort
- 博学者 polymath