- 当然,基辛格本人更是求成心切,只是由于他的腼腆习性,很久没有能够发挥他的抱负。 Nobody,of course,wanted it more than Henry Kissinger himself,though for a long time shyness kept him from giving his ambitions freer rein.
- 求成 hope for success
- 她一意求成。 She means to succeed.
- 求成过急 impatient for success
- 她立意求成。 She means to succeed.
- 八成 eighty percent
- 胃心切迹 cardiac notch of stomach
- 成正比 be directly proportional; direct proportion
- 徵求 position vacant
- 求签 draw lots before idols
- 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。 He crushed a piece of chalk to powder.
- 战士们求战心切。 The men are itching to fight.
- 他喀嚓一声将棍子折成两半。 He snapped the stick in two.
- 这封信以正式文体写成。 The letter is written in a formal style.
- 你这个年纪的男孩该是求爱的时候了。 Boys of your age ought to be sweethearting.
- 一成 ten percent
- 他将花送给她以求好感。 He sent her flowers as a propitiatory gesture.
- 成渝 Chengdu-Chongqing
- 但求 seek only
- 贫瘠的土地已改成良田。 The barren land has been turned into fertile fields.