- 蝙蝠倒悬着。 A bat is hanging.
- 利用拱坝倒悬改善应力条件之浅析 Brief Analysis of the Conditions of Utilizing Arch-Dam's Overhang to Improver Its Own Stress
- 从天花板倒悬下来。这古老的钟摆现在停止。 Hanging down from the ceiling. The old pendulum now rests
- 水火不相容。 Water is incompatible with fire.
- 一个希腊人倒悬在中间那只公羊的腹下,以左右两边的公羊作掩护。 To the middle ram of the three one of the Greeks suspended himself, so protected by the exterior rams on either side.
- 如水火不相容 irreconcilable as fire and water
- 有些人不能将自己的心自倒悬之苦中解放出来,那是因为他们为物质的诱惑所困的原因。 Someone can't emancipate their hearts from the bondage of the world, because they are tempted by and obsessed with the material.
- 水火神将 Divine Generals of Water and Fire
- 水火地 area afflicted alternately with drought and waterlogging
- 结果呢,收入早已增加了四倍,负担却分配得比从前均匀得多,全国人民都如解倒悬,对于我的仁政,真是颂扬载道,有口皆碑。 As a result, these revenues were already quadrupled, and yet the burden was so much more equally distributed than before, that all the kingdom felt a sense of relief, and the praises of my administration were hearty and general.
- 水火人 hydro-thermal people
- 水火管 water - fire tube
- 水火交 combination of essence and spirit
- 基于计算机视觉的水火弯板线变形测量系统的设计与实现 Computer Vision Based Designing and Actualizing of Linear Distortion Measuring System of Line Heating
- 水火不济 water-fire imbalance
- 水火置换 Thermoelectricity and hydroelectricity displacement
- 不辞水火 be through thick and thin
- 水火弯板 line heating
- 水火烫伤 scald
- 水火互济 two things diametrically opposed to each other; two mutual exclusive things help each other