- 水平物水平的物体(例如水平直线,水平面线或水平物)
Something, such as a line, a plane, or an object, that is horizontal.
- 水平巷道穿过矿脉或与矿脉平行的矿井中水平或近似水平的巷道
A horizontal or nearly horizontal passageway in a mine running through or parallel to a vein.
- 吊架一根从两根平行的绳子悬挂下来的水平的短棍,用于体育锻炼或杂技表演
A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts.
- 字行水平的一行印刷或书写的字或符号
A horizontal row of printed or written words or symbols.