- 殛 put to death
- 毙 die violently
- 双殛山上的战斗 Battle On The Guillotine Hill
- 乙烯-丙烯酸丁殛 EBA
- 酷毙 extremely cool; the coolest
- 除直接电殛外,接触受雷电影响的导体或电器,亦会因电震而受伤。 Apart from direct strokes, people can also get hurt by electric shock when using or in contact with conductors or electrical appliances which come under the influence of these strokes.
- 暴毙 sudden death
- 闪电可能对电力设施造成损毁,引起火警;又或因电殛导致人命伤亡。 Lightning can damage electrical installations, cause fire and kill by electrocution.
- 他把那快溺毙的男孩救出。 He rescued the boy from drowning.
- 多行不义必自毙 he who is unjust is doomed to destruction
- 船夫溺毙了乘客。 The boater drowned the passenger.
- 酷毙了 [Informal] cool
- 倒毙 drop dead
- 溺毙 be drowned
- 毙伤 kill and wound; inflict casualties
- 待毙 await death; be a sitting duck
- 路毙 body of a person who has dropped dead by the roadside
- 勒毙 be strangled to death
- 热毙点 thermal death point
- 果虫毙 guochongbi insecticide