- 夏 summer
- 残 oppressive
- 夏的 summerly
- 残值 recovery value
- 残奥会 Paralympic Games
- 半夏 tuber pinellia
- 残障 handicapped
- 夏新 Xiaxin
- 残差 residual error
- 约克夏 Yorkshire
- 自残 self- mutilation
- 大夏 Balkh
- 残基 residue
- 夏花 summer flower
- 夏末 late summer
- 残次品 defect ware
- 残虐 cruel and tyrannical
- 风卷残云 make a clean sweep of
- 夏洛克渴望发财。 Shylock has an itch for money.
- 残胶 cull