- 毒辣 acrimony
- 歹毒的强盗绑架了教授。 The sinister and vicious robbers kidnapped the professor.
- 他听了那种尖刻毒辣的话很气愤。 He resented the cutting remark.
- 那个歹徒心肠毒辣。 That scoundrel harbored a murderous heart.
- 歹毒的人 a poisonous person
- 用意歹毒的流言蜚语 malicious gossip.
- 歹毒 vicious
- 毒辣的 acrid
- 毒辣地 acrimoniously
- 心肠歹毒 an evil [wicked] heart
- 毒辣法! Diabolical method!
- 可真正的女人却能忍耐彼此的邪恶歹毒。 But real women can endure the worst in one another.
- 他们策划了一个毒辣的阴谋。 They concocted a sinister plot.
- 这个女人阴险歹毒,腐化堕落。 She was wicked, rotten through and through.
- 心计毒辣 One's clever schemes are poisonous and cruel
- 他对别人歹毒的谣言全然漠视。 He's totally indifferent to other's vile gossip.
- 心肠毒辣 harbor a murderous heart
- 他的一手真毒辣! What a vicious trick he played!
- 一个歹毒的人会变成蛇蝎,或者其他毒虫。” A person with a poisonous mind becomes a snake or a scorpion, or some other poisonous insect.
- 毒辣的残暴行为 diabolical cruelty