- 校对 proofread
- 阅兵,校阅检阅军队的仪式 A ceremonial review of troops.
- 今天卫队接受检阅。 The guard is/are being inspected today.
- 司令检阅了部队。 The commander inspected the troops.
- 他编辑、校对并监督印制了这些书。 He edited, proofed and supervised these books in production.
- 总司令检阅他的部队。 The commander in chief reviewed his troops.
- 谁是这篇文章的校对人? Who was the reader of this article?
- 这个小男孩喜欢看士兵的检阅队伍。 The small boy loves watching the soldiers on parade.
- 校对人员 press corrector
- 广彩艺术全面检阅陶艺大师领衔出展 The Exhibition Is a General Review of Guangcai Art and The Ceramic Masters'Arts Present as Leading Role
- 校对者 corrector
- 他们参加了大会,检阅了浩浩荡荡的游行大军。 They attended the rally and reviewed the mighty army of paraders.
- 为仪式、检阅或者点名而集合,特别指部队 a gathering,especially of troops,for service,inspection,review,or roll call
- 这些校样你校对过了吗? Have you checked these proofs through?
- 卡片校对机 card collator
- 为检阅而打扫为准备接受检阅而打扫(如营房) to clean(barracks,for example) thoroughly for or as if for an inspection
- 编辑和校对者都在加班工作 The editors as well as the proofreaders are working overtime.
- 在阅兵大典中,军官指挥他们的部队经过将军面前接受检阅。 The officers passed their troops in review before the general.
- 报纸校对员 copyreader
- 我编写校对的书 books which I edited and proofed