- 根除 eradicate
- 祸患 disaster
- 灾殃, 祸患 the scourge of Heaven
- 根除殖民主义 uproot colonialism
- 你认为可以根除犯罪吗? Do you think it is possible to root out crime?
- 预见祸患,避祸一半。 A danger foresee is half avoided.
- 你应该根除弊病。 You should strike at the root of the evil.
- 消弭祸患 soothe catastrophe
- 根除一种恶行 remedy an evil
- 驱除祸患 To drive out the weight of woe
- 根除水患 eliminate the scourge of floods
- 她饱经祸患而百折不挠。 She overcame many adversities.
- 他们力图根除罪恶。 They attempted to eradicate crime.
- 瘟疫,祸患广泛的苦难或灾祸,特别是被认为神的惩罚的 A widespread affliction or calamity, especially one seen as divine retribution.
- 根除疾病和贫穷 to extirpate disease and poverty
- 显然,邪恶的人有大量的沃土,可播下不满和祸患的种子。 Clearly there was much fertile ground in which evil persons could sow the seeds of discontent and trouble.
- 人族 2: "死水站"||- 根除外来侵袭.||- 雷纳不能死亡. TERRAN 2: "BACKWATER STATION"||- Eradicate the alien infestation.||- Raynor must survive.-
- 耶和华所造的,各适其用;就是恶人也为祸患的日子所造。 The Lord works out everything for his own ends- even the wicked for a day of disaster.
- 病情弄清楚,病根除一半。 A disease known is half cured.
- 销弭祸患 dispel misgivings; avoid ac calamity