- 她想逃离这个咄咄逼人的大草原,到大城市找个栖身之地。 She wanted to run, fleeing from the encroaching prairie, demanding the security of a great city.
- 没有栖身之地或者没有食物。 providing no shelter or sustenance.
- 她已不能越过那小小的栖身之地 She don't run through the fields anymore
- 不败之地 invincible position
- 我们应该始终在脑子里留下一个角落,让朋友们的意见也能不时地有一个栖身之地。 We shall always keep a spare corner in our head to give pass hospitality to our friend'opinion.
- 所以,只是为本地艺术工作者提供经济资助和建立一个栖身之所是不够的。 So funding local artists and building a structure to house art is simply not enough.
- 隐士逃遁离开这个世界而居住于偏僻之地且常常是独处的人 A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.
- 布鲁斯被人驱逐出公寓,于是在他另找到栖身之处前我们接纳了他。 Bruce was evicted from his flat so we took him in until he found somewhere else to live.
- 必经之地 only way which must be passed
- 有礼貌不能制止核战争,也不能为无家可归者提供栖身之所, Civility doesn't stop nuclear holocaust and doesn't put a roof over the head of the homeless.
- 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。 The busy road outside the school is a menace.
- 在岩石的山坡上没有多少可耕之地。 There is not much arable land on the side of a rocky mountain.
- 这面峭壁是险峻的攀登之地 The face of the cliff was a steep climb.
- 该湖是个极乐之地 The lake was heaven.
- 他父亲叫他避开是非之地。 His father told him to stay out of trouble.
- 隐居之地 a secret place
- 这个省到处都是膏腴之地。 There are productive lands everywhere in this province.
- 适于居住之地 a place fit for habitation
- 空旷之地 open country
- 形胜之地 Advantageous terrain