- 他把硬币倒过来,仔细检查。
He reversed the coin and examined it carefully.
- 出国前我必须进行体格检查。
I have to have a medical examination before going abroad.
- 她在医院里接受了全面检查。
She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital.
- 你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。
You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.
- 你可以在词汇表里查这个词。
You can look up this word in the vocabulary.
- 医生仔细检查了她的身体。
The doctor examined her carefully.
- 公司雇佣了一名侦探来调查这次事故。
The company hired a detective to investigate the accident.
- 他的陈述促使他们去调查。
His representation influenced them to investigate.