- 日剧 Japanese TV play
- 诰 enjoin
- 客去客来日日,花开花落年年。 Everyday guests come and go, Every year flowers bloom and wilt.
- 日中 Japan-China
- 日的 diurnal
- 来日清人 Chinese in Japan in Qing Dynasty
- 前日 eve
- 诰命 imperial mandate; a titled lady
- 日产 daily output; current yield
- 祝贺你的成功,并祝来日幸福无穷。 To congratulate you on your success and wish you every happiness throughout the years ahead.
- 制诰案 SONG:Proclamation Drafting Section
- 按日 by the day
- 等部队来日壮大起来,我们一定打回来。 When our forces expand in the future, we will certainly come back.
- 大诰 copy of the law
- 人日 man-day
- 祝贺你学成毕业,愿来日青云直上,前途无量! Congratulations on your graduation and hope the future will bring your success and a whole wide world of happiness.
- 真诰 Zhengao language
- 日式 Japanese
- 恭贺幸福伉俪新婚之禧,并祝来日事事称心如意。 Congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to come.
- 诰石 zircon