- 尽在意中 All are very probable
- 目的研究bcr/ablP190融合基因转录本在慢性粒细胞白血病(CML)中表达水平及其临床相关性。 Objective To study the expression and its clinical relevance of bcr/abl~(P190) fusion gene transcripts in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia(CML).
- “我希望我在我们的假面跳舞中不会找错了我意中的伙伴。” "Well, let's hope I don't get hold of the wrong partner in our masquerade."
- 在意 (v) care about; mind
- 在意的 equipollent
- 正本 original
- 幸福之本在于自由,自由之本是一颗勇敢的心。-修昔底德 The secret of happiness is freedom, and the secret of freedom is a brave heart. - Thucydides
- 从他的话意中不难看出,他很不高兴。 Reading between the lines it is easy to see that he was desperately upset.
- 本周 this week; the current week
- "我对自己说过的话很懊悔" 。 "不必在意,反正我不会记在心上的。" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."
- 我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。 I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
- 配偶意中或约定的结婚对象 A person viewed as a prospective marriage partner.
- 它被给予有权免费得到任何一本在联合王国内出版的书。 It is a library which is entitled to receive a free copy of every book published in the united kingdom.
- 意中事 sth. that is to be expected
- 中介亲本在黑白杨派间杂交中的应用 Application of intersectional hybrids to Leuce-Aigeiros intersectional hybridization of Populus
- 我只在意你。 I only have eyes for you.
- 意中保留 [法] mental restriction
- 师生信息交流本在护生带教中的应用 Application of teacher- student information communication book in practicing teaching of nursing students
- 意中之象 imagery
- 她问我本在哪里,我没有告诉她。如果她知道了,一定非常生气。 I just kept mum when she asked me where Ben was. She'd be furious if she knew.