- OWL本体 OWL ontology
- OWL时间本体 OWL time ontology
- Web本体语言(OWL) Description Logic Reasoning Semantic Web
- OWL(web本体语言) OWL (Web Ontology Language)
- OWL OWL( Web Ontology Language)
- OWL扩展 extended OWL
- 模糊OWL fuzzy OWL
- 由此灵性本体如被知觉者与认知二者一体共同映现,则成为全知。 Then the mind stuff, reflecting both the knower and the knowable, becomes omniscient.
- 是OWL存在论的基本构建块。 Are the basic building blocks of an OWL ontology.
- WEB本体 WEB ontology
- 一会儿我会更深入地讨论OWL。 I shall cover OWL in more depth soon.
- 域本体 domain ontology
- 子本体 sub-ontology
- OWL比RDF有更大的词汇量和更完善的语法。 OWL comes with a larger vocabulary and stronger syntax than RDF.
- QoS本体 QoS ontology
- 给出基于OWL+Dub lin Core的形式化描述; Beside this,the formalization based on OWL+Dublin Core is provided.
- ABC本体 ABC ontology
- 基于OWL本体论映射的数据库网格语义模式集成研究 A Framework of Semantic Schema Integration Based on OWL Ontology Mapping in Dart Database Grid
- 本体库 ontology base