- 未命名 unnamed
- 从未 never
- 妥 sound
- 未处理的 unsettled
- 巴比妥 barbitone
- 还未 yet
- 谈妥 negotiate
- 未完 unfinished
- 未到 non-arrival
- 办妥 settle
- 未达到 miss
- 未尽事宜 matters not mentioned
- 苯巴比妥 phenobarbitone
- 并未 ; not at all; by no means; in no sense
- 把所有那些都留给我女儿吧,她很快就会把事情办妥的。 Leave all that to my daughter and she will fix it in no time.
- 仍未 yet
- 吉尔同约翰争吵过后,就把事情谈妥了,完满地达成了协议。 After their quarrel Jill and John talked things out and reached full agreement.
- 未成熟 immaturity
- 如果需要的话,史密斯先生可以协助阁下填妥索赔表格。 Should you need help in completing the claim form he will be able to give it to you.
- 未处理 undisposed