- 朗朗 bright; light
- 言谈 the way one speaks or what he says
- 朗朗的 orotund
- 读一些好书有助于使我们的言谈更优雅。 Reading good books helps to refine our speech.
- 疏朗朗 sparse
- 朗朗地 sonorously
- 他无礼的言谈引起客人的反感。 His rude remarks antagonized the guests.
- 书声朗朗 The hum of study is clearly heard; the sound of reading aloud
- 他言谈恳切。 What he says is earnest.
- 朗朗乾坤 as bright as sun and moon
- 言谈微中。 One's speech is subtle.
- 教室里充满了朗朗的读书声。 The classroom is full of the sound of reading.
- 她羞于言谈。 She is coy of speech .
- 小树稀稀朗朗地立在树林里。 Small trees became thinly scattered among less dense thickets.
- 她聪明且善于言谈。 Her clever and is good at the may one speaks.
- 香港元朗朗平站 Yuan of bright Hong Kong tie stands
- 不当的言谈 an untoward remark
- 牧师朗朗的语调. The orotund tones of the priest
- 轻浮,轻率举止或言谈不严肃,尤指在不适当的场合;轻佻 Lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate; frivolity.
- 他能滔滔不绝地朗朗背诵莎士比亚的作品. He can spout Shakespeare for hours.