- 他要求追随者对他绝对服从。
He demands unquestioning obedience from his followers.
- 可以逼人服从,却无法逼人生爱。
You can compel obedience, but not affection.
- 士兵已训练得绝对服从命令。
Soldiers are trained to obey without question.
- 军人必须服从命令。
Soldiers must obey orders.
- 所有的士兵都应该服从指挥官的命令。
All of the soldiers should be in obedience to the commander's orders.
- 他命令士兵服从。
He enjoined obedience on the soldiers.
- 服从命令在军队中是很重要的。
Obedience to order is very important in an army.
- 军人应当绝对服从命令。
Soldiers are expected to obey their orders without question.