- 有大号的吗? Be there a larger size?
- 这条裤子有大号的吗? Do you have these pants in a large?
- 这件毛衣有大号的吗? Do you have this sweater in a large size?
- 上面有大号的“我不是流氓”字样,其中“不”字为红色并以改错的形式插在其他单词中间。 The white shirt bears the legend "I am Not a Hooligan" in large letters, with the "Not" written in red and inserted between the other words as if a correction.
- 因为同一种药会有大公司出品的名牌药和一般牌子的普通药。 That's because penicillin may have some kind of special name brand from a famous company or it may just be regular old penicillin.
- 上低音大号,次中音号一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音。 A brass wind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.
- 有哪位美国人能看着今天在拉美发生的一切而感到高兴的吗? Can any American looking at the situation in Latin America feel content with what's happening today?
- 真的吗?你真是个打折老手。下次再有打折,一定要让我跟着你。 Really? You're an amazing bargain hunter! Next time there's a sale, promise you'll let me tag along with you.
- 你穿多大号的鞋? What size shoes do you take?
- 有大点的吗? Do you have a bigger one?
- 大号的 queen-size
- 泻根属卷须状藤蔓植物,有大叶子和小花,其辛辣的汁液有催吐和催泻作用。 a tendril-bearing vine of the genus Bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties.
- 有较小号的吗? Be there a smaller size?
- 蒂娜:他父母是有钱人,所以他总有大把大把的绿票子。 Tina: His parents are rich, so he always had loads of spinach.
- 你有中间号的吗? Have you get a size in between?
- 客房卫生间有大包装、循环使用的洗发液、沐浴液方便容器; Containers with Shampoo and bath soap at bathroom; o.
- 一件大号的男式系扣衬衣既可用来覆盖身体又可当做浴袍。 An oversize man's button-down shirt can be worn as both a cover - up and a bathrobe.
- 你有加大号的吗? Do you have it in extra large?
- 有大智慧的人,他们沉稳,宁静,心胸开阔;半瓶醋的人,则喋喋不休; Those possessed of great wisdom are composed, tranquil, and open-minded while the dabblers are chatty.
- 这个太小了,有大点的吗? This is too small for me. Do you have a bigger one?