- 无己 beyond oneself
- 有加无已 become worse; increase without cease, in numbers, extent, degree, intensity, etc
- 无 none
- 至人无己 A sage is selfless
- 身无己出 have no children of one's own
- 无法 unable
- 己 self
- 无标题 no title
- 诛求无己 make endless exorbitant demands
- 无需 dispense with
- 无人 unmanned
- 环己 hexanaphthene
- 无格式 plain
- 正己烷 n-hexane
- 无主 dereliction
- 环己烷 cyclohexane
- 无名 nameless
- 己烷 hexane
- 无情 pitiless
- 无忧 without cause for grief