- 有人觉得太热了吗? Is anyone too hot?
- “有人觉得长号太吵,而三角铁挺傻,但这两样都增色不少”(音乐精品回顾)。 "There are those who find the trombones blatant and the triangle silly, but both add effective color" (Musical Heritage Review)
- 这件事有人觉得难,有人觉得不难。 Some people find this more difficult than others.
- 天气太热了,因此清爽的微风令人心情愉快。 It was so hot that we were glad of the refreshing breeze.
- 你听说了吗?上星期三在附近的酒馆里有人打架。 Did you hear that there was a fight down in the local on Wednesday?
- 有人觉得饿吗? Is anyone getting hungry?
- 那天真是太热了,我不得不开空调。 It was so hot, I put the air-conditioning on.
- “哦,说我让人神魂颠倒,我似乎觉得太不符合事实了,”她闪烁其辞地答道。 "Well, it doesn't seem quite true to me that I am fascinating," she replied evasively.
- 兄弟们,昨晚上打我们的那东西有人找到它的牌照了吗? Dudes, did anyone get the license plate of that thing that hit us last night?
- 实在太热了,于是我脱下了我的衬衫。 The heat was so great I took off my shirt.
- 1860年,一位名叫WilliamLow的英国人提出了一项更好的计划。 In1860, a better plan was put forward by an Englishman, William Low.
- 你听说了吗,他们没考虑提升可怜的老亨利,而提升了一个新来的? Did you hear that they've passed over poor old Henry for a newcomer?
- “这儿太热了!”姑娘说,“我想出去一下。” "It's awfully hot here!" said the girl, "I should like to go out."
- 我向你们保证那是真事, 以免有人觉得奇怪。 Lest anyone shall think it strange,let me assure you that it is quite true.
- 有人看到一些青年在街角徘徊。 Some youngsters were seen on the prowl around the street corner.
- “白天不怎么好,”我说。“太热了。告诉你,我已经买好车票了。 "It's not so good in the daytime," I said. "Too hot. By the way, I got the bus tickets."
- 令人觉得满足的.. to one's satisfaction; to one's gratification
- 如果这些结构复杂的生物分子太热,就会分裂成一个一个的原子,并停止生命。 If they become too hot,these complicated molecules of living things break up into separate atoms and cease to be living.
- 有人喜欢夏天的雷雨, the thunderstorm of summer
- 邻居的电话你一用就是半个小时,你不觉得太过份了吗? Don't you think you are imposing onyour neighbor when you use histelephone for half an hour?