- 有人 someone
- 有人给他撑腰打气,他自然趾高气扬,目中无人了。 With a lot of people backing him up, he would naturally be giving himself airs and looking down his nose at everybody.
- 一群吵吵嚷嚷的工会人员为他们撑腰。 They are supported by a vociferous group in the union.
- 继续参加面试,迟早有人会雇你的。 Keep go on interview and you'll be hired sooner or later.
- 打气撑腰 brace and bolster
- 有人在轻叩窗户。 There was a tap on the window.
- 撒旦帮我撑腰 White Stripes-Get Behind Me Satan
- 浴室有人在用。 The bathroom is occupied.
- 给某人撑腰打气 back sb. up
- 我正准备睡觉时听到有人敲门。 I was preparing for bed when I heard a knock at the door.
- 你必定得给我撑腰。 You've got to back me up.
- 很少有人 few people
- 有他给你撑腰,你还怕什么? He's backing you up, so what's there to fear?
- 有人认为 it is taken that
- 整个人堆里,没有谁给他们撑腰; Hardly a friend in all that crowd they found
- 这场赛马有人操纵。 The horse race was a fix.
- 第二,美国人要给蒋介石撑腰。” Secondly, the Americans will back Chiang Kai-shek."
- 我好像听到有人在敲门。 I seem to hear someone knocking at the door.
- 为什么爸爸和妈妈不来给她撑腰呢? Why don't papa and mamma protect her?
- 是有人敲门吗? Did I hear a knock at the door?